NY – School of Health Geography & Urban Health

Awards Description

The GeoHealth-UH Awards for the best thesis is intended to be a symbol of excellence in health geography and urban health research. The Awards rewards the quality of research carried out by postgraduates and aims to encourage the emergence of young researchers. Granted annually, it consists of a certificate, a scholarship, the publication of a manuscript presenting a summary of the doctoral thesis in the International Journal of Advanced Studies & Researh in Africa (IJASRA).

When it was created in 2024, the prize was first associated with the name of Professor Nguendo-Yongsi, the pioneer of health geography and urban health in Cameroon. His career in these two fields of geographic and health sciences has contributed significantly to the development of concepts, tools and methodologies and to the promotion of health geography in Cameroon. However, since then, the disciplinary ramifications of the GeoHealth-UH have grown significantly. This means that the GeoHealth-UH Board decided, in 2024, to rename the prize in order to give it a more inclusive connotation and to make the Awards more meaningful for the different disciplinary fields represented by the GeoHealth-UH members. 

Eligibility criteria

All post graduates students from different disciplinary fields of Cameroonian and even African universities who have successfully defended and submitted the final version of their doctoral thesis in the year preceding the deadline for nomination for the Awards are admissible, upon submission of proof.

The defense must have led to obtaining the diploma. The thesis must have used a qualitative or mixed methodology and the manuscript submitted to the competition must clearly explain the methodological aspects of the research carried out.

The nomination must be supported by the research director/Supervisor by means of a letter of recommendation. If deemed appropriate, the report written following the thesis defense and subject to consensus between the members of the jury may also be submitted to support the application.

Applications procedures

Candidates must register using the electronic form available on the website. All required documents must be sent, in a single file, to: geo.urban.health@gmail.com

The expected documents are:

  • the registration form;
  • a high-resolution passport-size photo
  • an original manuscript of an article which presents a summary of the doctoral thesis, with particular attention given to the presentation of the research methodology;
  • the text, in PDF or WORD (.doc) format, must include a maximum of 60,000 characters, including spaces, including the bibliography, summary, keywords and figures, following the APA standard.
  • a letter of recommendation written and signed by the research supervisor;
  • proof of acceptance of the final submission of the corrected thesis or of obtaining the diploma;
  • if deemed appropriate, a copy of the report written following the thesis defense and the subject of a consensus between the members of the jury.

Only applications that strictly respect these procedures will be considered. All documents will be treated confidentially. Incomplete files will not be retained for evaluation.

Members of the jury

The jury is chaired by a member of the GeoHealth-UH Board of Directors, or any other renowned scholar. The scholar should be a professor-researcher and appointed annually by resolution of the GeoHealth-UH Board of directors. The Chair is responsible for carrying out the evaluation process and does not have the right to vote. Ultimately, he/she reports the work and the results of the competition to the GeoHealth-UH board of directors.

The jury is made up of researchers and full professors from different universities and disciplinary fields, not associated with the candidates. They must have recognized expertise in the field of public health. Their judgment must be unanimous in view of the awarding of the Prize at the annual GeoHealth-UH festival.

Evaluation criteria

(1) Manuscript (75%)

  • clear and coherent presentation of all parts of the doctoral research, including: problem, theoretical framework, research questions, detailed method, main results and discussion (20%)
  • exemplary rigor in the use of a qualitative or mixed methodology, particularly in terms of collection, processing and analysis of data and presentation of results (35%)
  • quality of scientific writing (20%)

(2) Letter of recommendation (25%)

  • relevance and originality of the research project (10%)
  • exemplary nature of the qualitative research approach (10%)
  • contribution to the advancement of disciplinary, interdisciplinary, theoretical or methodological knowledge (5%) 


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