NY – School of Health Geography & Urban Health

Privacy Policy

Thank you for choosing to be part of our community at The Nguendo-Yongsi School of Health Geography & Urban Health (“Company“, “we“, “us“, “our“). We are committed to protecting your personal information and your right to privacy. If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy notice, or our practices with regards to your personal information, please contact us at geo.urban.health@gmail.com


When you visit our website  (the “Website“), and more generally, use any of our services (the “Services“, which include the Website), we appreciate that you are trusting us with your personal information. We take your privacy very seriously. In this privacy notice, we seek to explain to you in the clearest way possible what information we collect, how we use it and what rights you have in relation to it. We hope you take some time to read through it carefully, as it is important. If there are any terms in this privacy notice that you do not agree with, please discontinue use of our Services immediately.


This privacy notice applies to all information collected through our Services (which, as described above, includes our Website), as well as, any related services, sales, marketing or events.


Please read this privacy notice carefully as it will help you understand what we do with the information that we collect.


  1. Foreword: The School of Health Geography & Urban Health recognizes the importance of respecting privacy and protecting the personal information it holds. As a Scientific Community, we collect, use, and disclose personal information for the purposes of our mission of training, research, and exchange of academic information. The School of Health Geography & Urban Health therefore complies most rigorously with applicable standards and laws regarding the protection of personal information. It is in this spirit that the School of Health Geography & Urban Health has adopted a Confidentiality Policy concerning personal information collected by technological means. This Policy aims to explain how the collection, processing and protection of personal information provided in the context of the use of the website of the School of Health Geography & Urban Health (“www. nyschoolhealth.org”) and other platforms, and to inform any person who wishes to use them, of the rules and practices of the school in this regard. By providing us with personal information through technological means, the user agrees that it will be processed in accordance with what is indicated in this Policy and authorizes the School of Health Geography & Urban Health, its third parties and service providers, where applicable, to process their personal information for the purposes set out below. You are also authorized to choose not to provide the requested information by not accessing the Site (“www.nyschoolhealth.org”) or the Platforms offered.
  2. Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to inform any person who uses our website of the rules applicable to the protection of personal information collected by technological means.
  3. Normative framework: This policy is part of a context governed in particular by the Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the protection of personal information and must be read in conjunction with the legal notices.
  4. Information exchanged automatically with the server: As soon as you access our community website, as with any other website, an exchange of information takes place automatically between your computer and our site’s server, due to technological requirements inherent to browsing the Internet. The following information, which does not identify you personally, is then exchanged:
  • the Internet domain name and IP address with which you access our site;
  • the type of browser and operating system used to access our site;
  • the date and time you access our site;
  • the pages you visit;
  • if you reach our site from another site, the address of that site (referring site).

This exchange of information is necessary for the server to send you a file compatible with the computer equipment you use. The School of Health Geography & Urban Health also keeps the information required to count the number of visitors, the most visited pages, the technology used by the site’s customers and the referencing sites.

  1. Scope of application: This Policy applies to all personal information collected by technological means by our site, either through its Sites or any other Platform it uses. The Site of the School of Health Geography & Urban Health contains links to external sites, the school is not responsible for the content of these sites or their practices in terms of private life.
  2. How personal data are collected: We collect different types of personal data for specific purposes. You have the option not to provide us with certain personal information, but this may restrict your access to certain parts of the Site requiring this information. That said, the School of Health Geography & Urban Health collects the personal information required as part of its mission in the following manner:
  • Directly from the person concerned: For example, when applying for membership, or when participating in a scientific activity, or in the context of a donation, that whether by email, by submitting documents on the Platforms or other technological means.
  • Using the Sites and Platforms: For example, when browsing the Website of the School of Health Geography & Urban Health, or using the Platforms, personal information is collected through witnesses.
  • From other sources: It is possible that the School of Health Geography & Urban Health collect personal information from other organizations, for example: from the Ministry of Higher Education, or from the competent authorities in various materials.


Personal information kept by the School of Health Geography & Urban Health is collected only once the person has been informed of the purposes of the collection. Here are some means used to collect personal information:

  • As part of a membership application;
  • When using the Sites or Platforms;
  • When browsing the Site (“www.nyschoolhealth.org”), via connection cookies (“cookies”);
  • When registering for email communications from the School of Health Geography & Urban Health;
  • As part of participation in certain activities or events organized by the School of Health Geography & Urban Health;
  • As part of communication by telephone or email with the School of Health Geography & Urban Health.
  1. Personal information collected: The website of the School of Health Geography & Urban Health (www.nyschoolhealth.org) does not collect any personal information without your consent. Indeed, the Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the protection of personal information indicates that any organization requesting personal information from a person ensures the need to collect such information, identifies itself with this person and informs them:
  • the name and address of the public body on behalf of which it collects;
  • the use for which this information is intended;
  • categories of people who will have access to this information;
  • the mandatory or optional nature of the request;
  • the consequences of a refusal to respond to the request;
  • rights of access and rectification provided for by law.

When you choose to send us personal information by filling out a form and submitting it through our site, we use the information required to respond to your request and allow us to act on it, i.e. -say in the following cases:

  • as part of registration for our activities, in order to be able to provide you with additional information relating to your participation;
  • for sending electronic Bulletins when you have given your consent;
  • for sending information when you are subscribed to the media list.

Furthermore, you may be contacted from time to time by the team of the School of Health Geography & Urban Health in the context of activities other than those for which you registered and for an annual update of our database. The personal information collected is stored in a database and protected by an encrypted password in the database, which is only accessible by the team of the School of Health Geography & Urban Health. This information is not communicated to any other organization. Your explicit consent will be required for any transmission of data concerning you to a third party. Furthermore, you can modify or delete the information collected about you. To do this, you can activate your personal password-protected account and independently make all changes to your personal information. Cancellation of a user account will only be possible to the extent that this account is not linked to any activity or subscription in progress at the time of cancellation.

  1. Transaction policy and security: Your online transactions are secure on the School of Health Geography & Urban Health website. Information concerning you, as well as that concerning your credit card, is sent in the form of an electronic message which has been subject to encryption guaranteeing the confidentiality of the information contained therein. Consequently, this message cannot be altered or decoded by an intermediary. The School of Health Geography & Urban Health adheres to SSL secure transmission standards, so your transaction will always be routed securely. The School of Health Geography & Urban Health does not retain any computer data from any transaction regarding credit information. This is why you must submit your credit information for each new transaction.
  • For check transactions, you must complete your order and then send us your payment. Please clearly identify the transaction number on your check.
  • For telephone transactions via Orange Money or MTN money, please complete the transaction with these electronic money companies and then contact us.
  • Price: The School of Health Geography & Urban Health is a Community under Cameroonian law. All prices indicated on the website are expressed in CFA currency.
  • Reimbursement: Membership in the School of Health Geography & Urban Health as a member is not refundable.
  • Donations to the School of Health Geography & Urban Health are non-refundable.
  • Fees relating to registration for the activities of the School of Health Geography & Urban Health can be reimbursed following a written request, explaining the reason(s), 10 days before the first day of the event. Please send your request to the following address: geo.urban.health@gmail.com
  1. Links to other sites: Links from the site www.nyschoolhealth.org may direct you to other sites not under the control of the School of Health Geography & Urban Health and with regard to which our privacy policy is not applicable. We advise you to read the privacy policy, if any, of each related site to find out how such site treats your personal information.
  2. Use of cookies: You can deactivate the acceptance of cookies at any time using your browser options. However, this could deprive you of certain online services or certain advanced features.
  3. Who have access to your personal information
  • Communication within the University: Access to personal information is limited to office members or consultants who need access to it as part of their duties. Everyone undertakes to protect the confidentiality of the personal information they need in the context of their duties.
  • Communication to third parties: It is possible that the School of Health Geography & Urban Health must share personal information with third parties as part of its mission, in particular: technical and financial partners (national and international organizations), to different ministries and government agencies, to other entities for example for internship applications/admissions, for the granting of donations and bank financing, to professional orders for membership purposes; to researchers for research purposes (for example, a researcher or a public and scientific utility structure may request access to personal information held by the School of Health Geography & Urban Health without obtaining the consent of the persons concerned to use them for study or research purposes Certain conditions must be met, including the completion of an assessment of the factors relating to privacy and the signing of an agreement with suppliers, subcontractors and partners (the School of Health Geography & Urban Health may be called upon to share personal information with suppliers, subcontractors and external partners such as third party service providers of websites, development of applications, hosting, maintenance and other services, as it is true that the School of Health Geography & Urban Health limits the information provided to these third party service providers to only the information that is reasonably necessary to enable them to carry out their duties.
  1. Refusal to collect personal information: The communication of certain personal information is mandatory, particularly in the context of membership applications or participation in events organized by the School of Health Geography & Urban Health. A refusal to transmit the personal information required in these situations will result in a halt to the membership application evaluation process, or the activity participation process.
  2. Technological means available for consulting or rectifying the personal information of a data subject: The technological means available for consulting or rectifying personal information vary. Any person concerned may consult or have personal information corrected by communicating with us via email or written correspondence.
  3. Rights of access and rectification: In certain circumstances and in accordance with applicable laws regarding the protection of personal information, a person has the following rights: (i) Right of access, i.e. the person concerned has the right to have access to their personal information held by the School of Health Geography & Urban Health; (ii) Right of rectification, i.e. the person concerned has the right to request the rectification of any incomplete, inaccurate or ambiguous personal information held by the School of Health Geography & Urban Health.
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