NY – School of Health Geography & Urban Health

Field Activities - Products:

Best Thesis Award

Symbol of excellence in research in health geography and urban health...

Proof through images

It is a competition devoted to images from research fields.....

Picture of the month

A snapshot of a place or scene from the daily life of populations ...

Research Training

Geographical view

It is a photographic journey through a space, based on a series of photos taken by the author and captioned. ...

UH seminars

The GeoHealth-Uh research and training seminars are devoted moments for presentation ...

UH Thursdays

They mini-conferences which focus on a topical theme or of transversal interest to all disciplines ...

Research Dissemination

HeGeo-UH night

Field activity at night, to emphasize the unusual, playful, or lesser-known aspects of health geography...

The GeoHealth-UH Podcasts

Podcast refers to an audio or video file broadcast on the web and intended to be listened to at home, in the office or on transport ...

The GeoHealth-UH Tibati Festival

Modeled on the FIG of Saint-Dié, the GeoHealth-UH Tibati Festival aims to be the showcase or the highlight of the GeoHealth-UH scientific events...

Research Vulgarisation

Research popularization activity invites researchers to communicate their research work to a non-specialist audience...


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